General purpose products
Sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid

As a fundamental chemicals, sulfuric acid has played an active role both in chemical industries, such as pharmaceuticals, batteries, dyes and fertilizers, and in heavy industries, such as metal and steel. In recent years, sulfuric acid has spread its use to new fields, including cleaning of LSIs, where the demand is expected to continue to increase.

In 1920, the company built Osaka Factory and began to produce sulfuric acid by lead-chamber process. The company developed successfully into the production of titanium dioxide and surfactants by using sulfuric acid as the base material.The sulfuric acid division is now pushing forward with the specialization of products to respond to diversifying needs.

Selling a wide variety of sulfuric acids it products, such as oleum, refined sulfuric acid, concentrated sulfuric acid and diluted sulfuric acid, the company is virtually a department store of sulfuric acids.

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